- Alivizatos, G. Petsinis, G. Siaveli, N. Apostolopoulos, V. Athanasopoulos: Central venous catheter – related sepsis in surgical patients treated with total parenteral nutrition. 7th International Congress for infectious Diseases, 1996.
- Alivizatos, N. Apostolopoulos, F. Karvelas, G. Petsinis, G. Siaveli, V. Athanasopoulos : Protein catabolism after open and laparoscopic cholecystectomy. European I.H.P.B.A. Congress, Hamburg, June 8-12, 1997.
- Korovessis, A. Baikousis, G. Petsinis : The use of the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital Instrumentation in the treatment of thoracolumbar injuries. 1st Inter-Balkan Congress on Spinal Diseases, Athens, May 7-9, 1998.
- Korovessis, M. Pfeiffer, P. Griss, Α. Baikousis, M. Stamatakis, G. Petsinis : Short term results after posterior spinal fusion with DDS. 2nd Combined Meeting of European Spine Society & European Spinal Deformities Society. Innsbruck, Austria, June 23-27, 1998.
- Π. Κοροβέσης, Μ. Σταματάκης, Α. Μπαϊκούσης, Γ. Πετσίνης : Η χρήση της ολικής αρθροπλαστικής Zweymueller σε ασθενείς με δυσπλαστικό ισχίο ή Σ.Ε.Ι. 54ο Ορθοπαιδικό Συνέδριο της Ε.Ε.Χ.Ο.Τ. – 3ο Ελληνο-γερμανικό Ορθοπαιδικό Συνέδριο, Αθήνα, 16-20 Σεπτεμβρίου 1998.
- Π. Κοροβέσης, Α. Μπαϊκούσης, Γ. Πετσίνης : Η χρήση του συστήματος σπονδυλοδεσίας Texas Scottish Rite Hospital στην αντιμετώπιση των καταγμάτων της θωρακοοσφυϊκής μοίρας της Σ.Σ. 54ο Ορθοπαιδικό Συνέδριο της Ε.Ε.Χ.Ο.Τ. – 3ο Ελληνο-γερμανικό Ορθοπαιδικό Συνέδριο, Αθήνα, 16-20 Σεπτεμβρίου 1998.
- P. Korovessis, M. Pfeiffer, P. Griss, A. Baikousis, M. Stamatakis, G. Petsinis: Short-term results after posterior spinal fusion with Dorsan Dynamic Spondylodesis System (DDS). 54ο Ορθοπαιδικό Συνέδριο της Ε.Ε.Χ.Ο.Τ. – 3ο Ελληνο-γερμανικό Ορθοπαιδικό Συνέδριο, Αθήνα, 16-20 Σεπτεμβρίου 1998.
- Baikousis A., Korovessis P., Stamatakis M., Petsinis G. : Texas Rite Hospital Instrumentation for correction of idiopathic scoliosis . Short-term results. 4th EFFORT, Brussels, June 3-8, 1999.
- Stamatakis M., Korovessis P., Baikousis A., Petsinis G. : Primary results with the use of compression cerclage (CCG) Gundolf in orthopaedic and trauma surgery. 4th EFFORT, Brussels, June 3-8, 1999.
- Petsinis G., Korovessis P., Stamatakis M., Baikousis A. : Medium-term results with Zweymueller total hip arthroplasty in dysplastic and congenitally dislocated hips. 4th EFFORT, Brussels, June 3-8, 1999.
- Papazisis Z., Korovessis P., Petsinis G., Baikousis A. : Rigid vs Semirigid fixation of lumbar spine in degenerative lumbar disease. A correlative radiological analysis of the sagittal profile. International Research Society of Spinal Deformities Meeting, France, May 26-30, 2000.
- Korovessis, G. Petsinis, Z. Papazisis : Posterior compact cotrel-dubousset (CCD) instrumentation for occipitocervical, cervical and cervicothoracic fusion. 5th International Argos Symposium, Paris, January 22-26, 2001.
- Korovessis, Z. Papazisis, G. Petsinis : Rigid versus semi-rigid fixation of lumbar spine in degenerative disease. A radiological analysis of the sagittal profile. 5th International Argos Symposium, Paris, January 22-26, 2001.
- Baikousis A., Korovessis P., Petsinis G., Papazisis Z., Katonis P. : Posterior compact Cotrel-Dubousset (CCD) instrumentation for occipitocervical, cervical and cervicothoracic fusion. 5th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology EFORT, Rhodes, June 3-7, 2001.
- Baikousis A., Korovessis P., Petsinis G., Papazisis Z. : Effects of thoracolumbosacral orthosis (TLSO) on spinal deformities, trunk asymmetry and frontal lower rib cage in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. 5th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology EFORT, Rhodes, June 3-7, 2001.
- Korovessis P., Deligianni D., Petsinis G., Baikousis A., Papazisis Z. : Comparative strength measurements of five different fixation systems applied on an in vitro model of femoral midshaft osteotomy. 5th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology EFORT, Rhodes, June 3-7, 2001.
- Papazisis Z., Korovessis P., Petsinis G., Baikousis A. : Prediction of thoracic kyphosis with the use of the Debrunner’s kyphometer. 5th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology EFORT, Rhodes, June 3-7, 2001.
- Korovessis P., Papazisis Z., Petsinis G., Baikousis A. : Prediction of thoracic kyphosis with the use of the Debrunner’s Kyphometer. 3rd annual Meeting of Spine Society of Europe. Gothenburg, Sweden, September 4-8, 2001.
- Korovessis P., Baikousis , Petsinis G., Papazisis Z. : Posterior CCD for occipitocervical, cervical & cervicothoracic fusion. 3rd annual Meeting of Spine Society of Europe. Gothenburg, Sweden, September 4-8, 2001.
- Korovessis P., Deligianni D., Petsinis G., Baikousis A. : Comparative strength measurements of conventional vs. titanium cerclage osteosynthesis. 6th Congress EFORT, Helsinki, Finland, June 4-10, 2003.
- Korovessis P., Petsinis G., Repanti M. : Successful implantation and course of Zweymueller-SL Metal-on-Metal THA. 6th Congress EFORT, Helsinki, Finland, June 4-10, 2003.
- Petsinis G., Repanti M., Zacharatos S., Korovessis P. : Zweymueller with metal-on-metal articulation. Clinical, radiological and histological analysis. Five to nine years follow up observation. 7th EFORT Congress, Lisbon, Portugal, 4-7 June, 2005.
- Koureas G., Zacharatos S., Petsinis G., Korovessis P. : Backpacks, back pain sagittal spine curves and trunk alignment in schooladolescents. 7th EFORT Congress, Lisbon, Portugal, 4-7 June, 2005.
- Koureas G., Petsinis G., Zacharatos S., Papazisis Z., Korovessis P. : Correlative evolution of instrumented dorsolateral fusion. Autograft versus coralline hydroxyapatite. 7th EFORT Congress, Lisbon, Portugal, 4-7 June, 2005.
- Korovessis, G. Petsinis, S. Zacharatos: Combined anterior and posterior stabilization vs. posterior stabilization and fusion in the surgical treatment of burst lumbar fractures. 10th International Argos Symposium, Paris, France, 26-27 January, 2006.